
Welcome to the Willow Knits blog.

I'm Anne and I'll be using this blog to let you know what is happening with Willow Knits during the year.

I'll include which Farmers' Markets and shows I'm going to be at, what I'm working on and general news and events plus a little about myself.

If you want to buy one of the scarves or some of the yarn featured, just look in our etsy shop (to the right of the page) or contact me and I'll reserve it for you.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Mid June update

I've been having a busy time since my last post - here's an update:

St. Alban's farmers market was so cold and wet last Sunday! I really thought I should have put on my thermals! However, thanks to the customers who braved the weather and came out - my takings were up on last year, which is good news.

I went for a day out in Highgate yesterday to have a look round the area before I go there on Saturday to do the "Fair in the Square". What a lovely place it is - nice little shops and restaurants and a beautiful park - I'm really looking forward to the weekend.

I'm at Wheathampstead Farmers' market on Sunday morning, which may be quiet, but is still a pleasant place to visit.

I've dyed some more yarn and put it in my etsy shop - "Marine" and "Summer Lilac Blooms" as I mentioned before - here's some pictures. Both have turned out to be quite difficult shades to picture accurately, but I do try to give a full description as well and of course will always take returns if anyone is unhappy with their purchase.


Summer Lilac Blooms

My parcel of yarn has arrived - all 10.2 kg! so I will have to get on with dyeing that and possibly working our a new scarf design to use with it.

More updates after the weekend!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Since my last post, I have had a sale of my silk yarn - Thank you to Esther in Munich!

I'm now sold out of the Berries and Teal colorways and am getting ready to dye some more. I thought a turquoise mix for one batch and a lilac/pink mix for the other. I recently had a couple of scarves made up in the lilac pink shades, but I didn't write down the dye recipe, so I'll just have to try to reproduce it as best I can! It's always fun mixing the colors, but I'm trying to be more accurate at recording them now, as I expect I will have to replicate them.

I've dyed my sample of the new yarn I mentioned in my last post - it has become a little more loose and soft in the process, but is still more like dk than aran, so I'll work out a new design to use with it. Probably time for a change anyway. I've gone ahead and ordered ten kilos, so let's hope it's popular!

Still no pictures - I will get the camera out soon!