Well, Wheathampstead went quite well, it was nice to be back after the holidays. The wet weather held off until we were packed up and ready to go and sales were up on January last year, so all in all, a good start to the year.
I'm off to Harpenden Farmers' Market tomorrow, again the weather forecast isn't too good, but as long as the rain holds off I'll be pleased. It's always a nice market to go to and I did well there last year, so I'm feeling quite optimistic.
I've finished at two of my more unprofitable markets - Hatfield and Royston, so I'll have the first weekend in every month free now, which I'm looking forward to. Plenty more time for knitting and my Open University studies (Mathematics) and of course housework (a very poor third!).
Finally, I've taken some pictures of my throw, still a work in progress, but I am making a concerted effort to finish it!