
Welcome to the Willow Knits blog.

I'm Anne and I'll be using this blog to let you know what is happening with Willow Knits during the year.

I'll include which Farmers' Markets and shows I'm going to be at, what I'm working on and general news and events plus a little about myself.

If you want to buy one of the scarves or some of the yarn featured, just look in our etsy shop (to the right of the page) or contact me and I'll reserve it for you.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

More Markets

Hatfield and Royston were both very cold, but busier than I had been expecting and well worth going to.

I sold one of my new silks (sapphire sea), which was very pleasing and at Hatfield one kind lady gave me a pattern for a tammy that I can adapt and another gave me some pretty yarn (sirdar Fizz) which she didn't want - many thanks to them both!

We had some minor dramas over the weekend - one of our cats had to be taken to the emergency vet's with an infected eye on Saturday afternoon and then our washing machine broke down on Sunday with a load of wet washing still in it. Fortunately all is well now, the cat, Tess, is recovering well although she didn't like the journey to the vet's and has spent several days hidden away since she got back and the engineer is coming to fix the machine next week.

I had some more of my new silks come back from the knitters and think they look fab!

Here's a picture, from left to right the colours are amethyst, rose pink and salmon. The picture shows each shade with a little bit more blue tone than it is in reality, but overall it's reasonably accurate.
I'm off to St Alban's market on Sunday, so I hope my customers like them. As ever - if you would like to reserve one, just get in touch.